
Pong release date 10/08/24

About the game:  A Pong game, which uses keyboard controls such as  (W) and (S) keys for the Player 1 paddle control, and (I) and (K) keys for the Player 2 paddle control

Features:  The game has a scoreboard, at this stage the game itself and the scoreboard is unlimited and there is no ending to the game. Adjustments were made to a basic pong ball script, limits were set of 45 degrees and -45 degrees  on the Y axis for the ball launching direction both ways.  

Possible future development:  Implement Pong scoring rules within the GameManager script,  which can then result in a game winner.  Bring in sound effects to the game.  Add game menu functions such as Start New Game.


Copilot (microsoft.com) , Microsoft Copilot was used to generate scripts for game objects used within the game.  With prompting through plain language it was able to generate scripts of the type required, and also modify some scripts which were provided by previous tutorial lessons.  This also assisted with my ongoing initial learning of C# and programming in general, and also with learning parts of the Unity game engine.

List of scripts generated by Copilot that were either generated as new scripts or previously provided existing scripts that were modified  below:








Build.zip Play in browser
40 days ago

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